Monday, August 10, 2009

Time at last to wake up from a long stuporous hibernation...

Hibernation is one of nature's survival kits. And I survived, thank God.

The interview for the promotion went ok if I remember right. But in a game you win some and lose some. I was column-rised to DH48 but in the process also lost my post as head of dept. all the fringe benefits that came with the position - a reserved covered parking lot, an office to myself, a personal laptop and printer, no teaching hours, the authority to get people to run errands for you - well the list could go on and on and on...

But then again all my black hair turned white in a jiffy, the stress meter turned black and I was pressed to do so many reports ever so often ( I hated doing this cos the reports inadvertently ended up in some god-forsaken files which would rarely or never ever see daylight again).

Now my no. 1 boss envies the fact that my hair is slowly but surely turning a darker shade again!
I am now reunited with my first love i.e. classroom teaching and I actually can say I like it - again. I kinda missed the interaction with the students. I now take orders instead of dishing them out and it takes a while to get used to this fact. They gave us a 'senior lecturer' title and how is one supposed to take that! I have 16 contact hours which is quite a luxury compared to my other half's workload in her school. Mercy me, God has been good all the time!

Enuff said for now. Hope I don't go into this habit of hibernating after each new post. Needs motivation or rather aggravation depending on the day to post something new!